Quarterly Newsletter – Second Quarter 2022

  Each quarter, we put together a newsletter that provides updates on the firm, insights to investing and a market review of the previous quarter. The Image preview above is the cover of the document. If you would like to receive a full digital copy please contact us.  

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Reality Check – Siren Song

For this month’s Reality Check, we wanted to discuss how one should deal with all of the events that are being highlighted by the financial media as the drivers of the markets decline. While increased volatility in the capital markets is not pleasant, with a longer-term focus, this volatility is just noise. The best strategy is…

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Bryan’s Blog May 2022

Many years ago, sailors believed that mythical creatures called Sirens would lure them to their watery graves. The thought was that these half human creatures would sing an enchanting tune that no sailor could deny. In the sailor’s quest to get to the Sirens, they would meet their end, often crashing on hidden rocks. While…

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Quarterly Newsletter – First Quarter 2022

Each quarter, we put together a newsletter that provides updates on the firm, insights to investing and a market review of the previous quarter. The Image preview above is the cover of the document. If you would like to receive a full digital copy please contact us.

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Quarterly Newsletter – Fourth Quarter 2021

Each quarter, we put together a newsletter that provides updates on the firm, insights to investing and a market review of the previous quarter. The Image preview above is the cover of the document. If you would like to receive a full digital copy please contact us.

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Quarterly Newsletter – Third Quarter 2021

Each quarter, we put together a newsletter that provides updates on the firm, insights to investing and a market review of the previous quarter. The Image preview above is the cover of the document. If you would like to receive a full digital copy please contact us.

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Congratulations Christopher Blair!

We wanted to take a moment to congratulate Chris on the successful completion of the Certified Private Wealth Advisor® designation. This designation is a commitment to his ongoing personal development. If you would like to speak to Chris about how this designation adds value to your experience as a client or if you would like to discuss anything else, please…

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Quarterly Newsletter – Second Quarter 2021

Each quarter, we put together a newsletter that provides updates on the firm, insights to investing and a market review of the previous quarter. The Image preview above is the cover of the document. If you would like to receive a full digital copy please contact us.

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Reality Check: Real Risk in Retirement

For this month’s Reality Check, we wanted to discuss the topic which has recently highlighted in the financial media – inflation. Here is what we don’t and can’t know: An acceleration in inflation is a distinct possibility as the economy continues roars back – particularly given another jolt of stimulus. We don’t know for sure that…

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Quarterly Newsletter – First Quarter 2021

Each quarter, we put together a newsletter that provides updates on the firm, insights to investing and a market review of the previous quarter. The Image preview above is the cover of the document. If you would like to receive a full digital copy please contact us.

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