A Tale of Two Emotions

Quite a few years ago I was very excited to be asked to speak at one of Towson Universities graduation ceremonies. I had the honor of representing the Alumni Association and I was excited to be a part of such a milestone for so many students and their families. As I traveled to the University,…

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Overcoming adversity, is the key to success

My girls are soccer players. They have tried other sports, and while they are definitely athletes, soccer is in their hearts. They started playing a very long time ago and it has been amazing to be a part of their journey. But their journey was not always a smooth one. They left their first soccer…

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Just a Little Patience: Bryan’s Column

My daughter Addy is an athlete. She has worked extremely hard to train her body and mind, often exercising at least twice a day. Recently Addy has had some issues with her feet. She is one of the 15% of the population with an extra bone in each foot that can lead to tendon discomfort.…

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